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Use sens_each() to examine sequences of parameters one at a time. Use sens_grid() to examine all combinations of sequences of parameters. The sens_each_data() and sens_grid_data() variants allow you to pass in a data set to simulate from.


sens_each(mod, idata = NULL, ...)

sens_each_data(mod, data, idata = NULL, ...)

sens_grid(mod, idata = NULL, ...)

sens_grid_data(mod, data, idata = NULL, ...)



an mrgsolve model object (usually read in with mrgsolve::mread()).


included only to prevent users from passing through; the function will create an idata_set if appropriate.


passed to mrgsolve::mrgsim_d().


a simulation input data set (see mrgsolve::data_set()).


A tibble-like object with class sens_each or sens_grid, depending on the vary method that was used. These objects will look just like a tibble, but they can be plotted with sens_plot().

See also


mod <- mrgsolve::house()

dose <- mrgsolve::ev(amt = 100)

out_each <- parseq_cv(mod, CL, VC) %>% sens_each()

out_grid <- parseq_cv(mod, CL, VC) %>% sens_grid()