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Generate a sequence of parameters based on CV


parseq_cv(mod, ..., .cv = 30, .n = 5, .nsd = 2, .digits = NULL)



a model object.


model parameter names.


a coefficient of variation used to determine range of test parameters.


number of parameters to simulate in the sequence.


number of standard deviations used to determine the range.


if numeric, the number of significant digits in the parameter sensitivity values are set using base::signif().



mod <- mrgsolve::house()

mod %>%
  parseq_cv(CL,VC) %>% 
#> # A tibble: 24,050 × 7
#>     case  time p_name p_value dv_name dv_value ref_value
#>  * <int> <dbl> <chr>    <dbl> <chr>      <dbl>     <dbl>
#>  1     1  0    CL       0.549 GUT            0         0
#>  2     1  0    CL       0.549 CENT           0         0
#>  3     1  0    CL       0.549 RESP          50        50
#>  4     1  0    CL       0.549 DV             0         0
#>  5     1  0    CL       0.549 CP             0         0
#>  6     1  0.25 CL       0.549 GUT            0         0
#>  7     1  0.25 CL       0.549 CENT           0         0
#>  8     1  0.25 CL       0.549 RESP          50        50
#>  9     1  0.25 CL       0.549 DV             0         0
#> 10     1  0.25 CL       0.549 CP             0         0
#> # ℹ 24,040 more rows